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ComponentProps<ElementType> constructs a type with all valid props of an element or inferred props of a component.


Prefer ComponentPropsWithRef<ElementType> if ref is forwarded and ComponentPropsWithoutRef<ElementType> when ref is not forwarded.


  • ElementType: An element type. Examples include:
    • An HTML or SVG element string literal such as "div", "h1" or "path".
    • A component type, such as typeof Component.


Get all valid props of an element

ComponentProps<ElementType> can be used to create a type that includes all valid div props.

interface Props extends ComponentProps<"div"> {
text: string;

function Component({ className, children, text, ...props }: Props) {
// `props` includes `text` in addition to all valid `div` props

Infer component props type

In some cases, you might want to infer the type of a component's props.

interface Props {
text: string;

function Component(props: Props) {
// ...

type MyType = ComponentProps<typeof Component>;
// ^? type MyType = Props

Infer specific prop type

The type of a specific prop can also be inferred this way. Let's say you are using an <Icon> component from a component library. The component takes a name prop that determines what icon is shown. You need to use the type of name in your app, but it's not made available by the library. You could create a custom type:

type IconName = "warning" | "checkmark";

However, this type if not really reflecting the actual set of icons made available by the library. A better solution is to infer the type:

import { Icon } from "component-library";

type IconName = ComponentProps<typeof Icon>["name"];
// ^? type IconName = "warning" | "checkmark"

You can also use the Pick<Type, Keys> utility type to accomplish the same thing:

import { Icon } from "component-library";

type IconName = Pick<ComponentProps<typeof Icon>, "name">;
// ^? type IconName = "warning" | "checkmark"